Halo Olgeta!
Fiji is strategic location for Vanuatu trade and investment interest because of the close market for goods and services trade which makes it favourable for Vanuatu. The country is seen as the centre of trading connecting the Pacific region to the world in communication and transportation (by air and sea) routes. Vanuatu is a member to the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA), Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relation Plus (PACER+) and the Melanesian Spearhead Group trade agreement (MSGTA), a dynamic agreement that is working well for both countries including other MSG parties. The Preferential trade arrangement could benefit Vanuatu comparative advantage on its merchandise trade related products, services, investment and labour movement that are niche market in Fiji.
The mission is overwhelmed to pursue this interest and linking opportunities to private sectors through its connection and collaboration effort achieving a sustainable development. Already, the mission is communicating with interest investors, businesses and traders who sees the market and opportunity.
The mission interest in enhancing economic integration between Vanuatu and Fiji is focus on these specific sectors of development into the future.
- Trade
- Investment
- Tourism
- Labour
We look forward to working with you in developing trade and investment with Fiji.
Tankyu tumas